Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Beginning of Code

Tonight I made a start on the programming side of the project. I am using WinAPI and OpenGL for the foundation of the program. I am familiar with the OpenGL API, and it is well suited to rapid development of small applications, with commands like glDrawPixels, and immediate mode, to get something on screen with a small amount of code.

I was hoping to get more done tonight than I have, but unfortunately some other work got in the way. The Visual Studio project is set up and I have a blank window on screen so tomorrow I can press on with the actual program structure.

I neglected to do a diary entry after the meeting on Friday 14th. It was interesting to learn more about other people's projects and useful to talk about mine a bit. The main thing that came out of it for me was that I don't really have anything new going on in my project at the moment, for example, could a volume rendering technique be improved by doing something differently. As I implement the techniques I will bear this in mind.

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